How Customized Training Helps Your Team to Become Future-Ready

A five-person team gathers to collaborate around a laptop.

What does it look like to have a workforce that’s ready for the future? It looks like a team that you can trust to innovate and create.

As technology advances, it’s tempting to think that the newest software update can be the key to staying on top of a changing industry, but it’s not true. The greatest assets your business has are the people who use that technology.

How to Improve Your Workforce Strategy: Focus on Your Team

A recent Forbes article broke down the elements of a successful workforce strategy, and found that what it comes down to is talent management. Your ideal team isn’t going to just appear in front of you. You have to create it by hiring people with potential and passion, and then providing opportunities for them to develop their skills and grow.

The best way to help your team members become innovators is to listen to what they value in a work environment. If you have a team member who is struggling to understand a process, make time to train them on it. If someone wants to be a team leader someday, make sure they know the steps it takes to get there.

You don’t just have to help one team member at a time. If there’s something your entire team would like to improve on, then it’s time to look into Contract Training.

Clayton State CaPE’s customized Contract Training Solutions are designed to support your whole team by providing a space to learn skills that will help them stay ahead of industry trends.

Our Contract Training programs cover a wide range of essential skills, including Communication and Negotiation, Computer Skills, Data-Driven Decision Making, Leadership with Emotional Intelligence, and more.

Contract Training in Action: Delta Air Lines

In the past, we’ve completed Contract Training courses with a variety of partners, including Delta Air Lines. Here’s what their experience was like in their own words:

“Bringing Clayton State [CaPE] up here to help us with our Six Sigma green belt and black belt training courses has improved our ability for our employees to find creative ways to fix things and make it better.”

-Eric Klein, Delta Air Lines General Manager, Hangar Demand Planning

“The different aspects of it, from diagrams to debt analysis to team relationships to management, everything that was discussed and more can be applied in different areas and different aspects, and it’s been tremendously helpful.”

-Mandy Smith, Delta Air Lines Employee

“This program has really opened my eyes in terms of project efficiencies, project flow, and how to better conduct myself in my day-to-day life at work.”

-Justin Ortiz, Delta Air Lines Employee

Step into the Future with Contract Training

Are you ready to help your team grow into a future-ready workforce? Clayton State CaPE is here to help you find the customized Contract Training that’s right for your team’s needs. Learn more about our Contract Training options and schedule a discovery session today!