New Course Arriving in 2025: Performance Management and Appraisal

A group of people is gathered around a wooden table, discussing a project over their laptops.

Interested in helping your employees improve their performance? Curious about how to provide effective and constructive feedback? Eager to help your organization improve on the individual, team, and organization-wide levels?

We have an exciting new course coming in 2025 that covers all of this and more! Ideal for anyone in the management or human resources fields, our Performance Management and Appraisal course can give you the skills you need to be a force for positive change in your organization.

The Practical Skills You’ll Learn:

How to Evaluate Employee Performance

The critical first step in performance management is knowing your starting point. That’s why this course starts with an overview of the core principles of employee performance. Once you know the fundamental factors that make up effective performance, you’ll be taught appraisal methods and get the chance to practice applying them in real-world scenarios.

Part of encouraging a positive work environment is to acknowledge the strengths that people are already bringing to the table. Doing an appraisal of your team’s individual strengths allows you to let them know what they’re doing well, and lets you focus team training and education on weak points.

Fundamentals of Performance Management

Once you know where your team is starting from, you’ll be able to develop performance improvement plans. This includes setting performance goals, understanding performance metrics, conducting regular performance appraisals, and providing constructive feedback.

Performance improvement is an ongoing process, so it’s important to have multiple, staggered goals. For example, if you’d like your entire team to become proficient in using a new software, you may have “Proficiency in the software” as an end goal, but you’ll need to start somewhere smaller. By breaking that overall goal down into smaller goals, like “Ability to Navigate to Specific Files” and “Ability to Save and Edit Projects,” you’ll give your team smaller goals to aim for and succeed in.

Of course, there are a lot of ways for people to learn and be successful, and in this course you’ll discuss a variety of different performance improvement strategies. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge of how to manage and optimize performance on all levels of your organization.

Educational Format

This course will run from February 4th to March 6th, 2025. It meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 pm to 8 pm in a Hybrid [b]format on the CSU Main Campus.

The course will include both lectures on theory and practice applications in real-world scenarios.

Why Does Performance Management Matter?

There’s a real problem developing in today’s workforce, and savvy businesses and organizations are doing their part to stay ahead of it.

What’s the name of the problem? The skill gap.

The skill gap is the growing distance between the jobs and tasks that employees are asked to do, and the skill sets that they were trained in. The world is changing in a more tech-focused and innovative direction, and new advancements require new skills that your employees may not have learned in school.

That’s why leaders in human resources and employee development are focusing their energies on upskilling and reskilling their current employees – keeping a dedicated team member and brushing up their skills is far more advantageous than hiring an unknown factor without experience in your organization.

Learning how to maximize your Performance Management and Appraisal skills will help you upskill your current team and stay on top of changes and advancements in your field. By tracking and encouraging your team members’ learning, you can keep your organization and your team members growing together.

If you’re interested in learning more about the skill gap and how Clayton State CaPE is helping businesses overcome it, download our free eBook, “Closing the Skills Gap: A Strategic Guide to Elevating Your Team’s Performance and Transforming Your Workforce.”

Start Planning Your Continuing Education Today

Clayton State CaPE’s performance management course is designed to help you become the best performance manager you can be. By having your upskilling skills elevated, you’ll be able to lift the productivity of your whole team by applying what you’ve learned.

Are you ready to learn how to effectively evaluate employee performance and support ongoing professional development within your team? Reserve your spot today before space runs out!